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224. Unfair Advantages

By Patrick Lencioni - April 2024

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224. Unfair Advantages

At the Table with Patrick Lencioni

Episode Summary

Create your own competitive advantage.  This week, Pat and the team discuss unwritten rules, agility, and courage.


The Art of Unfair Advantages: Mastering the Competitive Edge in Business 

The Essence of Unfair Advantages

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: “unfair advantage” might evoke a sense of foul play or unethical behavior. However, in the context of our discussion, it’s anything but. 

An unfair advantage is a unique edge that sets you apart from the competition, be it in business or sports. It’s about being bold and clever, finding that special something that you can capitalize on, which others might not have noticed or have access to.

Identifying Your Unfair Advantage

 Uncovering your unfair advantage begins with keenly observing your strengths and the market landscape. In the podcast, we discussed how businesses could thoroughly analyze their capabilities, market position, and customer base to pinpoint their unique strengths. Whether it’s a proprietary technology, an exceptional talent pool, or a distinctive business model, recognizing your unfair advantage is the first step towards leveraging it.

 Leveraging Your Edge Strategically

Once identified, strategically implementing your unfair advantage can be a game-changer. We delved into examples from various industries where companies have turned their unique strengths into a competitive edge. From tech giants who innovate at breakneck speeds to sports teams that employ data analytics to outmaneuver opponents, the application of unfair advantages is as diverse as it is impactful.

The Role of Public Sentiment and Innovation

 An interesting angle we touched upon is the impact of public sentiment and frustration in driving innovation. Sometimes, the collective dissatisfaction of consumers can lead to groundbreaking changes in industries. Companies that listen to these cues and adapt accordingly can turn a potential crisis into a formidable unfair advantage.

Conclusion: Embrace the Bold and Clever

The main takeaway from our conversation is that unfair advantages are not about cutting corners or engaging in unethical practices. They’re about innovation, strategic thinking, and the courage to exploit one’s unique strengths. 

Remember, in the competitive arenas of business and sports, it’s not just about playing the game—it’s about changing it.



To listen to the Working Genius Podcast:

Pat’s book, The Advantage: